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[E] Spoonman
[E] Spoonman
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over 13 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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Hello all, most probably dont know me, but I was on minetown over a year ago for quiet some time, then I took a break due some personal stuff. Anyways im back, but 'Im completely lost. The servers are different there are multiple worlds. I dont remember my warps, how can I find them? Is there a way to find out all my warps? Where does everyone play now? Also i cant seem to find out how to get to my premiumvault. Whats changed? Any help would be greatly appericated! Thanks!
over 11 years ago
Yeah I cant get on either
over 13 years ago
Just a friendly discussion on this topic. I guess it comes down to how many jungles spawned on the map when it was converted. If there is only like a hand full 5-10 jungles, why should some one be allowed to control such a massive area and not allow other people to use/mine/benifit from this new part of the game. Now i dont know how many jungles are spawned. I am just wondering it about the topic and I can see both sides. I just wanted to see what people thought. Should people be allowed to protect a whole jungle? Or no? Or maybe a part of ? Lets hear it!
over 13 years ago
Yeah i disconnect to reload a area cause i warped into a gliched chunk and now i cant get back on!!! lol
over 13 years ago
If 4 people say they got kicked, its not a coincidence, the server obviously crashed and is reporting wrong about it being up or whos on.
over 13 years ago